Current Participants

Continued Eligibility

SJCHA may review a household’s eligibility for continued participation in its programs through processes called “interim reexaminations” or “annual reexaminations.” During the recertification process, SJCHA does one or more of the following activities to confirm that the participant continues to meet SJCHA eligibility requirements.

– Income review, verification, and calculation
– Determination of program requirement compliance status
– Confirmation of household composition to determine the appropriate voucher size
– Recalculation of income and deductions to determine the Total Tenant Payment (TTP)
– Review adherence to SJCHA’s Family Obligations

Reexamination cycles occur annually and after reported changes occur.


Phone/In Person Contact

As a current participant, your HCV specialist is Celia. You may reach her through email at

Appointment hours are 10 am – 3 pm EST Monday – Thursday. Appointments MUST be scheduled in advance.

You may submit paperwork by email, fax, putting it in an envelope and placing it in our drop box located outside our office at 107 West Center St., North Liberty, or by scheduling an appointment to drop it off during office hours.


Fax: 574-804-1005


To request a Reasonable Accommodation, please submit the contact information for a knowledgeable professional who will complete the Verification of Disability on your behalf. SJCHA will send the form to the knowledgeable professional directly.  


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